
Follow with the “Incomes” menu, incoming financial movements and your customers and all the elements revolving around them, such as contracts, quotations, bills, catalogs …

Client contract

ProjeQtOr gives you the possibility to precisely manage and monitor your customer contracts.

The customer contract is necessarily linked to a customer.

Client contract screen

Client contract screen

Section Description

Complete the description of the contract.

Required field Required File legend



Required File Name

Name of the contract


Reference number of the contract

Required File Client contract type

List of types of the contracts


Project to which this contract will be attached

Required File Customer

Customer concerned by the quotation


Customer contacts only. Contacts must be registered in advance on the customer’s screen. Change customer, the contacts list is suitable.

Client reference

Reference of the client

Phone number

The field is of alphanumeric type. You can enter a telephone number with precision. Example:XXXXXXXXXX ext XX


Allows to link the document defining the SLA


Descriptive text of the contract

Section Treatment

Follow the state, the progress of your contract in this section.


  • Choose a responsible

  • Its initials are displayed on the Gantt chart of contracts


  • The workflow is based on the default workflow.

  • You can change or modify the current workflow.

  • See: Workflow


Defines the behavior of the renewal of a contract at the end of the initially planned duration

  • Never: the contract will never be renewed

  • Tacit: the contract will be renewed if there is no termination

  • Express: the contract is renewed and is the subject of a written or verbal act


  • In progress: Date on which the contract is taken over. Effective. This date can be entered manually or by going to the Assigned state of the workflow

  • Done: Date the contract ends.

  • Closed: Date on which the contract was closed.

  • Cancelled: Cancellation Date

Section contact

This section allows you to fill in the information relating to your contact with the client.

Required field Required File legend



Required File Contact

Name of the client contact

Phone Number

Phone number of the client contact.The field is not numeric and lets you add textual information such as the extension number.

Required File Levels of service agreements

Determines if you have levels of service agreements (SLA) with the client for this contract. This check box is an indication.

Intervention time

Periods during which services, contacts and interventions with the client will be possible. You can choose a time slot for weeks, Saturdays, as well as Sundays and holidays.

Section Progress

In the Progress section, determine the different dates and deadlines for the contract, notice, deadlines, payments …

Required field Required File legend



Contract dates

Start and end date of the contract

Initial contract term

Contract duration displayed according to the chosen unit: day, month, year

Notice period

Duration displayed according to the chosen unit: day, month, year

Notice date

Exact date of notice

Due date

End of contract validity

Periodicity of the contract (Month)

Duration of the renewal of the contract is possible. Example 24-month subscription renewable after 12 months

Billing frequency (Month)

Billing frequency during the term of the contract

Management of ordered ticket

You can manage token orders on your customer’s contract.

For more information on defining tokens see: ref:Management of tokens on ticket. You will be able :

  • Define tokens (duration, cost, markup, …)

  • Record token orders on a customer contract

  • When entering work on ticket, select the token used

  • Summarize tokens ordered, used and left on customer contract

Add work token command

Add work token command

  • Click on Add to add tokens to the order

  • Select the token type from those defined on the project or its parent projects.

  • Entering the ordered quantity of tokens

  • Added a descriptive comment

When you have entered the order, the table will indicate:

  • Calculation of the total duration ordered (in hours or days depending on the unit of time entry)

  • Calculation of the total amount ordered

  • Display of the total number of tokens used (without taking into account markups)

  • Display of the increase in the total number of tokens used (taking increases into account)

  • Display of the total duration of tokens used (taking into account markups)

  • Display of the total cost of tokens used (taking into account markups)

  • Display of the remaining duration of the tokens (duration ordered minus duration used)

  • Display of the remaining amount of tokens (amount ordered minus amount used)

  • Total line, summing the numbers, amounts and durations (ordered, completed, remaining) for all types of tokens in the contract

Management of ordered tokens

Management of ordered tokens

Client Quotation

A quotation is a proposal estimate sent to customer to get approval of what’s to be done, and how must the customer will pay for it.

On the quotation form, you can record all the information about the sent proposal, including attaching some file completely describing the proposal with details terms and conditions.

Transform quotation to order

A quotation can be copied into an order when corresponding document is received as customer agreement.

Bill lines section

This section allows to detail the quotation modality.

Section Description

required field Required File legend




Unique Id for the bill.

Required File Name

Short description of the bill.

Required File Client quotation type

Type of the quotation to define the way the concerned activity should be billed

Required File Project

The project concerned by the quotation


Element which is the origin of the quotation


Name of entity receiving the quotation


Customer concerned by the quotation.


Contact in customer organization to whom you sent the quotation.


Request description.

Additional info.

Any additional information about the quotation.


Field “Customer”

Automatically updated from project field.

Section Treatment

required field Required File legend



Required File Status

Actual status of the quotation.


Resource who is responsible for the quotation.

Sent date

Date when quotation is sent to customer contact.

Send mode

Delivery mode.

Offer validity

Limit date of the validity of the proposal.


The probability that the proposal will be accepted.

In progress

Box checked indicates that the quotation is taken in charge.


Box checked indicates that the quotation is processed.


Box checked indicates that the quotation is archived.


Box checked indicates that the quotation is cancelled.

Planned end date

Target end date of the activity object of the quotation.

Activity type

Type of the activity object of the quotation.

Payment deadline

The payment deadline is stated on the quotation.


Total amount of the quotation.

Estimated work

Work days corresponding to the quotation.


Comment about the treatment of the quotation.

Client Orders

An order (also called command) is the trigger to start work.

On the order form, you can record all the information of the received order.

Scheduled work and budgeted cost of project

  • The scheduled work (field: “validated work”) of the project will be initialized with the sum of total work from all orders.

  • The budgeted cost (field: “validated cost”) of the project will be initialized with the sum of the total amount before taxes for all orders.

  • See: Progress section

Bill lines section

This section allows to detail the order modality.

Section Description

required field Required File legend




Unique Id for the order.

Required File Name

Short description of the order.

Required File Order type

Type of order.


The project concerned by the order.


Customer concerned by the order.


Contact in customer organization to whom you sent the order.

Required File External reference

External reference of the order (as received).

Date of receipt

Receipt date.

Receive mode

Delivery mode.


Element which is the origin of the order.


Complete description of the order.

Additional info.

Any additional information about the order.


Field Customer

Automatically updated from project field.

Section Treatment

required field Required File legend



Required File Status

Actual status of the order.


Resource who is responsible for the order.

In progress

Box checked indicates that the order is taken in charge.


Box checked indicates that the order is processed.


Box checked indicates that the order is archived.


Box checked indicates that the order is cancelled.

Activity type

Type of the activity object of the order.

Linked activity

Activity representing the execution of the order.


Initial values.


Additional values.


Sum of the initial values and amendment.

Start date

Initial start date of the execution of the order.

End date

Initial and validated end date of the execution of the order.


Comment about the treatment of the order.


Fields behavior

  • Fields Initial, Amendment and Total

    • Ex VAT: Amount before taxes.

      • The column value is automatically updated with the sum of bill line amounts.

    • Tax: Applicable tax.

      • If the applicable tax isn’t set, the tax defined for the selected customer is used.

    • Full: Amount with taxes.

    • Work: Work days corresponding to the order.

      • The column value is automatically updated with the sum of bill lines quantities.

      • When the measure unit is “day”.

  • Field Amendment

  • The columns values “Ex VAT” and “Work” are automatically updated with the sum of billing lines with selected amendment checkboxes.

  • Fields Start and end date

  • Initial : Initial dates

  • Validated : Validated dates


Activity type

  • The activity should be created only after approval.

Client invoicing terms

A term is a planned trigger for billing.

You can define as many terms as you wish, to define the billing calendar.


Terms are mandatory to bill “Fixed price” project.

A term can be used just one time. The bill name will be displayed.

A term has triggers

  • You can link the activities that should be billed at this term.

  • A summary of activities is displayed for validated and planned amount and end date.

  • Validated and planned values play the role of reminder.

  • You can use these values to set real amount and date.





Unique Id for the term.


Short description of the term.


The project concerned with the term.


Bill name that uses this term.


Flag to indicate that term is archived

Fixed price for term



Real amount

Defined amount for the term.

Real date

Defined date for the term.

Validated amount

Sum of validated amounts of activities defined as triggers (Read only).

Validated date

Max of validated end dates of activities defined as triggers (Read only).

Planned amount

Sum of planned amounts of activities defined as triggers (Read only).

Planned date

Max of validated end dates of activities defined as triggers (Read only).

Trigger elements for the term

This section allows to manage element trigger.

Trigger element management

  • Click on Add to add an element trigger.

  • Click on Delete to delete an element trigger.



Linked element type

Type of element to be selected (Activity, Meeting, Milestone, Project, Test session).

Linked element

Item to be selected.

Client invoices

A bill is a request for payment for delivered work.

Billing will depend on billing type defined for the project through project type.

Clients Bills

Clients Bills

Invoice Type


Schema bill

  • Each bill is linked to project, a project has a project type, and a project type is linked to a billing type.

  • So the billing type is automatically defined for the selected project.

  • Billing type will influence bill line format.

    At terms

    • A term must be defined to generate the bill, generally following a billing calendar.

    • Used for instance for: Fixed price projects.

    On produced work

    • No term is needed.

    • The billing will be calculated based on produced work by resources on selected activities and on a selected period.

    • Used for instance for Time & Materials projects.

    On capped produced work

    • No term is needed.

    • The billing will be calculated based on produced work by resources on selected activities and on a selected period.

    • Taking into account that total billing cannot be more than project validated work.

    • Used for instance for Capped Time & Materials projects.


    • Billing is defined manually, with no link to the project activity.

    • Used, for instance for Any kind of project where no link to activity is needed.

    Not billed

    • No billing is possible for these kinds of projects.

    • Used, for instance for Internal projects & Administrative projects.


Billing report

Only bill with at least status “done” will be available for reporting.

Before this status, they are considered as a draft.

Description section

required field Required File legend




Unique Id for the bill.

Required File Name

Short description of the bill.

Required File Bill type

Type of bill.

Required File Project

The project concerned by the bill.


Date of the bill.

Payment deadline

Payment deadline.

Payment due date

Due date for payment (read only). The value is calculated with date of bill + payment deadline


Customer who will pay for the bill.

Bill contact

Contact who will receive the bill.

Automatically updated from project fields


Recipient who will receive the payment for the bill.


Element which is the origin of the bill.

Billing type

Project billing type.

Treatment Zone

required field Required File legend



Required File Status

Actual status of the bill.


Resource who is responsible for the bill.

Sent date

Date when bill is sent to customer contact.

Send mode

Delivery mode.


Flag to indicate that the bill has been treated.


Flag to indicate that the bill is archived.


Flag to indicate that the bill is cancelled.


Total amount of the bill.

% of order

Percentage of the bill balance over order amount.


Payment of bill.


Comments for the bill.

Invoice lines


bill lines treatment

Input for each bill line depends on billing type.




Unique Id for the bill line.

Number of the line for the bill.


Description of the line.


Detail of the line.

Unit price

Unitary price of billed element.


Quantity of billed element.


Total price for the line (Price x Quantity).

Bill lines management

  • Click on Add to add a bill line. A different “Bill line” dialog box will be displayed depends on billing type.

  • Click on Add formated line to add a formated line depending on billing mode

  • Click on Button edit to modify an existing bill line.

  • Click on Delete to delete the bill line.

Bill line “At terms”

required field Required File legend



Number of the line for the bill.

Required File Term

Project terms to be selected.


Description of line.


Detail of the line Can be set on update.


Real amount of term.

Bill line On produced work & On capped produced work

required field Required File legend



Number of the line for the bill.

Required File Resource

Project resources to be selected.

Required File Activity price

Project activities price to be selected.

Required File Start date

Start date of the period to take into account.

Required File End date

End date of the period to take into account.


Description of line.


Detail of the line Can be set on update.


Price of the activity.


Quantity of element.


Amount for the line (Price x Quantity).

Bill line “Manual billing”



Number of the line.


Flag to indicate this is an amendment line.


Description of the line.


Detail of the line.


Unitary price of element / measure unit.


Quantity of element.


Amount for the line (Price x Quantity).

Client Payments

Allow to define payment of bills.

The bill keeps track of payment.



required field Required File legend




Unique Id for the payment.

Required File Name

Short description of the payment.

Required File Payment type

Type of payment.


Description of the payment.


required field Required File legend



Required File Payment mode

The mode of payment.

Required File Payment date**

Date of payment.

Required File Payment amount**

Amount of the payment.

Payment fee

Payment of the fee.

Payment credit

Balance of payment amount less payment fee.


Bill concerned with the payment.

Bill reference

Reference of bill.


Customer of bill.


Recipient of bill.

Bill amount

Amount of bill.


Flag to indicate that payment is archived.

Activities prices

Activity price defines daily price for activities of a given activity type and a given project.

This is used to calculate a billing amount for billing type On produced work and On capped produced work.


required field Required File legend




Unique Id for the activity price.


Short description of the activity price.

Required File Project

The project concerned with the activity price.

Required File Activity type

Type of activities concerned with the activity price.

Price of the activity

Daily price of the activities of the given activity type and the given project.

Sort order

Number to define order of display in lists.


Flag to indicate that activity price is archived.

Financial catalog

Catalog defines items (products or services) that can be obects of a quotation, an order or a bill.

This is used on the quotation lines, order lines and invoice lines.

See: Invoice lines.

Section Description

required field Required File legend




Unique Id for the payment.

Required File Name

Name of the catalog.

Required File Catalog type

Type of catalog.

Required File Description

Description of the catalog.


Detail of the catalog.


Nomenclature of the catalog.


Specification of the catalog.




Unit price

Type of unit.


Quantity of catalog.


Type of product.

Product version

Version of the product.

Revenue Managment

You can manage the turnover of the project at completion, and its consistency with the orders and invoices on the project.

A “Revenue management” section is visible on the projects screen in the Progress section after activation of the “Revenue management” module under the financial section.

The following information is then accessible:

  • The turnover at completion corresponds to the total amount that will be invoiced for this project.

  • Display of the sum of the project’s customer orders

  • Display of the sum of customer invoices for the project

  • Method of valuation of turnover

Method of valuation of turnover fixed

The turnover is fixed and is entered manually

Method of valuation of turnover variable

Variable over time depending on the activities

The turnover will then be calculated from the turnover of all the activities (not canceled) of the project and possibly of the sub-projects. In this case the activities will also have a turnover field to feed.

Projects with sub-projects will systematically have a “Variable” valuation mode, this mode will automatically consolidate the turnover of the sub-projects on the parent project.

Consistency with project orders and invoices

For projects with sub-projects, the sum of orders and invoices will consolidate the data of the sub-projects, that is to say, it will integrate the orders and invoices of the sub-projects in addition to the orders and invoices possibly on the project itself.

The sum of the orders is in red if it is lower than the turnover. The sum of the invoices is in red if it is greater than the turnover.

Raise alerts

You can create definable alerts for projects in the “unit indicators” section:

  • Revenue upper than command’s sums

  • Revenue less than invoices sums

In order to integrate this evolution into the community version, without disturbing the users who do not need this functionality, we will condition the behavior:

In order to transcribe the current use of the validated cost, a global parameter will determine whether the turnover is automatically reported as validated cost on activities and projects.


This functionality is only visible if the Revenue Management module is activated via the access rights menu in Modules management.

The Revenue Managment is a sub-module of the financial module.

This new module will activate / desactivate the management of OUs and everything related to the management of OUs (see below).

This module will be disabled by default.

Work units catalog

You can define catalogs of work units, made up of work units, themselves broken down into several complexities.

This functionality will only be accessible if the Revenue management module is activated.

Work units Catalog screen

Work units Catalog screen

You can assign any catalog to a project, whatever its position in the structure, while maintaining the notion of inheritance on the sub-projects.

  • A “catalog used” field on the projects screen is available.

  • The OUs proposed on the activities of the project will systematically be the OUs of this catalogue.

  • When the “catalog used” field is populated (entered or edited) for a project, all subprojects (recursively) that had the same initial catalog value (or no value) are assigned the new catalog value.

  • The level of recursion stops at the first project that does not respect this rule.

  • When a catalog is created or modified to be attached to a project then the “catalog used” field of the project is updated, and the update is passed on to the sub-projects.


Only profiles who have the right to modify the project catalog will be able to modify it, regardless of the project on which it is used.

Create a catalog

In the Finance menu Incomes section Catalog of work unit screen.

  • Click on New to create a new catalog




Name of the catalog.


Code usually a reference shared with the customer.


Project on which to use the catalog

Number of complexities

Maximum number of complexities, set in global parameters.


Text fields to fill in the complexities of the catalog


If the number of complexity isn’t filled then the default number set in the global parameters is applied.

Then fill in the fields with the name of the complexities managed by this catalog.

Click on Add to open the pop-up windows and complete the complexity details.

You can fill in the following fields for each OU:

  • Reference

  • Description

  • Incomes

  • Deliverable

  • validity date

The description, incoming and deliverable fields are text editors in inline mode. Edit buttons appear when the cursor is in the field.

details complexities

Pop-up of the complexities details

For each complexity of the OU, we can define:

  • Validated workload - 0 is allowed

  • Price (CA) of complexity

  • Duration in working days - optional

It is not mandatory to fill in all the complexities for an OU.

Revenue section

Revenue section on the activity screen

Use of a catalog of work units

You can select an OU on an activity, only if the project has a Variable CA valuation mode.

We will inform the OU, its complexity and the number of units:

  • Entering the OU in the list of OUs in the catalog linked to the project. This will dynamically populate the list of OU complexities by displaying only those that have a charge and a price that is not zero but may be equal to zero.

  • Entering complexity

  • Entering the quantity number of work units

An activity will only be associated with a single OU / Complexity pair.

If OU is selected, complexity and quantity are mandatory, otherwise they are prohibited, i.e. not enterable.

The UO / Complexity / Quantity data will make it possible to value:
  • The validated load = load of the OU / Complexity x Quantity

  • The turnover of the activity = price of the OU / Complexity x Quantity

  • The validated duration = duration of the OU / Complexity x Quantity

Entering the validated duration will automatically calculate the validated end date if the validated start date is entered.


This will only determine the planned duration of the activity if it is in “fixed duration” planning mode.

Otherwise, the schedule will determine the planned duration from the assigned load and the availability of assigned resources.

These 3 data (validated load, validated duration, CA) will then go into read-only since they are calculated.

  • If the OU’s expiry date has passed, an alert will be displayed on the activity, without this blocking the recording of the activity.

  • If the global parameter “Report of turnover on the validated cost of activities” is activated, the turnover entered or entered through the OU is recopied in the validated cost of the activity.


You can export the data of the OUs used on the export of Activities.

There are as many columns as there are reference/complexity pairs defined in the OU catalog. This is only viable if you only export activities that only use the same catalog.

A mechanism ensures that exported activities all use the same catalog.

Modification of data

You can modify the catalog on the data of an OU, a Complexity or a Quantity however it is not possible to modify a unit of work from the catalog, if it is already used on an activity.

  • Re-calculation of validated data: validated load, validated duration and turnover

  • If resources are assigned, application of the variation in the assigned load, in proportion to the load assigned to each resource and updating of the “still to do” accordingly (without ever being able to become negative).


For example:

In the case of an OU whose complexity generates 5 days of load with a quantity of 1, if A is assigned for 2 days and B assigned for 3 days, if we double the quantity (and therefore the validated load) A is then assigned 4 days and B is assigned 6 days.


The concept of Project on the catalog is not essential, it is present to guarantee the management of rights: only profiles who have the right to modify the catalog of the project will be able to modify it, regardless of the project on which it is used.

A resource with a profile allowing him to instantiate a OU but who does not have the visibility of the costs can continue to instantiate an OU, the value of the turnover will not be displayed, nor the “price” column of the table units of work, regardless of whether the OU carries a charge or a duration (0 included).

Deletion of data

You can delete the catalog on the data of an OU, a Complexity or a Quantity however it is not possible to delete a unit of work from the catalog, if it is already used on an activity.

  • The validated load data, validated duration and CA become manually modifiable again

  • The calculated data is kept

The project turnover will be updated from the sum of the turnover of the project activities, whether this data is entered from an OU or entered manually.

The turnover of the activities and the UO, Complexity and Quantity data will only be accessible for “basic” activities (which do not have sub-activities). For “parent” activities, the turnover will be consolidated from the turnover of the sub-activities.

You can close an unit of work directly in the OU’s window.

If closed, the OU is no longer selectable.

Management of ordered work

The services ordered use the work unit catalog functionality.

You must “activate ordered services” in the global parameters

On the activities

In the Turnover section in Progress of the details area, the drop-down menu of the services ordered offers you the list of orders,

only if the project is an activity project, where the unit of work ordered is the same unit of work on the activity and where the complexity is consistent with that of the order.

Ordered work on activities

Ordered work on activities

Select the order corresponding to the setting up of your activity in order to follow the realization and the invoicing of these units of works.

Be careful though, some rules apply:

  • the quantity must not be less than the quantity already invoiced,

  • the quantity must not be less than the quantity already carried out

  • if there is a quantity performed or invoiced, the unit of work and the complexity cannot be changed

On the commands

On the order that you have linked from your activity, you have a summary table indicating the type of units ordered,

those that have been carried out, since the monitoring of your activity,

as well as the number of units and their corresponding amount, already charged.

Ordered work on activities

Ordered work on activities

In the case of invoicing, a table for the invoiced work order will be available.

When copying your order to an invoice, the table of services ordered is also done taking into account the quantity already invoiced.

Please note, some rules apply:

  • The sum for the entire invoiced quantity (including current and already invoiced) must not exceed the ordered quantity

  • Selecting a work order displays the work unit, complexity, unit quantity and quantities (stored on the work order line)

  • The amount is calculated = quantity invoiced x unit amount

  • During the update, the reference of the work order cannot be changed

  • When data is inserted / updated, the sum of the data on the work order is updated