Tickets dashboard

Ticket dashboard screen

Allows user to have a tickets global view of his projects.

Displays several small syntheses that group the tickets by category: type, priority or by product, component or by state.

The number of tickets is listed. The result is displayed with numbers and as a percentage.

Filters are available to limit scope.

Direct access to the list of tickets

  • In the various summaries, click on an element to obtain the list of tickets corresponding to this element.

  • you return to the tickets screen


  • Click on Parameter to access parameters.

  • Allows to define reports displayed on the screen.

  • Using Drag to reorder reports displayed.

  • For Synthesis by status, filter clauses are not applicable.

Dialog box - Ticket dashboard parameters




Filters allow you to restrict the display of saved requirements

Scope filters

  • By status, period, duration, closed element, linked to the user or no related…

No resolution scheduled

  • Unscheduled: Requirements whose resolution is not scheduled in a next product version (target product version not set).